The gastroenterology in Germany offers you endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon, rectum, biliary tract and pancreas.Main gastroenterological research is conducted not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes.For example, during endoscopy polyps can be removed, stomach implants be done, bleeding be stopped or bile duct stones to be crushed.

During gastrointestinal examination or treatment in Germany you always will be under the supervision of qualified medical stuff.

Gastroenterology treatment in Germany

Medical staff in Germany uses video and computed technology, which guarantees high quality of gastroenterology procedures, as well as high precision diagnostics.

Following procedures are offered in the area of gastroenterology in Germany:

  • Gastroscopy
  • Puncture
  • Minilaparoskopy
  • Hydrogen Breath Test
  • 24-hour pH Monitoring
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Colonoscopy with polyp removal
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  • Percutaneous transhepaticcholangioscopy
  • Stent implantation for gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach and duodenum)
  • Endoscopic drainage for pancreatic pseudocyst
  • Functional gastrointestinal diagnosis for:
  • Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test,
  • Lactose and Glucose Tolerance Test
  • Endosonography (EUS)
  • Manometry
  • Special consultations on Crohn’s disease
  • Special consultations on nonspecific ulcerative colitis


Gastroscopy examination uses a thin flexible endoscope with a video camera. It is passed through the mouth into the stomach and duodenum. In addition the biopsy can be made from the stomach wall during the procedure.

Following activities can be done during the gastroscopy:

  • Biopsy to prove Helicobacter infection (Helicobacter pylori – the bacterium that causes ulcers)
  • Examination of small intestinal mucosa in certain diseases with diarrhea
  • Stop bleeding of ulcers and tumours using injection, endoclips, fibrin glue or argon beamer
  • Esophageal variceal ligation (EVL) in case of esophageal variceal bleeding
  • Removal of foreign bodies
  • Removal of gastric polyps (growths)
  • Treatment of tumours using electro-resection
  • Esophageal balloon dilation (enlargement)
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

This procedure is carried out in specialized area of radiology. The patient receives an anaesthetics and a sedatives before the examination starts.ERCP is performed using a radiographic contrast to obtain a very accurate image of bile and pancreatic ducts.Typically, the goal of such research is to identify stones.

Also using ERCP following activities can be done:

  • Opening of the biliary duct and removing stones
  • Opening of the biliary duct to bypass narrowed bile ducts
  • Removal of pancreaticor bile duct stones
  • Obliteration of the pancreatic duct with fibrin glue

Liver biopsy

Liver biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis of liver disease or in case of suspected tumour or cirrhosis. During the examination the patient receives sedatives and local anaesthesia. A small tissue of the liver is taken using a needle.At the same time pictures of the liver can be taken.This is the most reliable way to obtain information about the patient’s liver.


Colonoscopy allows you to conduct an examination of entire colon, as well as to take samples.Simultaneously using special equipment it is possible to find cracks or haemorrhoids.

Colonoscopy is performed for following purposes:

  • Detection of benign polyps and their removal using electrical loop in order to prevent colon cancer
  • Precise definition of gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or colonic diverticular disease
  • Enlargement of restrictions using a balloon catheter
  • Mucosal biopsy to diagnose areas suspicious for carcinoma
  • Treatment for haemorrhoids by using banding

The hydrogen breath test

There are two possibilities of the hydrogen breath test.Often both methods are combined.The tests are completely safe for the patient.The hydrogen breath test has to be done on an empty stomach.The hydrogen breath test can find out who fast sugar diffuses from the mouth to the colon.From time to time there may be an excessive presence of bacteria in the small intestine.Hypolactasia (lactose intolerance) can be also determined.

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