Gastrointestinal examination includes:

  • Initial professional examination (during the first visit: history and differential diagnosis with other diseases, a diagnostic plan);
  • Laboratory tests (blood, urine)
  • Gastroscopy for the laboratory and histological examination;
  • Coloscopy combined with biopsy;
  • Rectomanoscopy;
  • Abdominal ultrasonography
  • Sigmoidoscopy (medical examination allows investigation of the large intestine from rectum)
  • Repeated doctor`s consultation in order to get examination results for futher treatment

Examination of the small intestine in Germany

The concept of capsule endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy – first noninvasive method of diagnosis, which allows you to examine all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and in particular to get sufficient information of the small bowel.This kind of diagnosis solved many problems in gastroenterology.Because it can find even minimal changes in the mucous membrane of the intestine. It is possible to examine those areas of the gastrointestinal tract that cannot be seen by other types of endoscopy.The diagnostic results are evaluated by computer which transmitts around 120.000 pictures.

Thanks to this approach it is much more likely to diagnose one disease at very early stage. allowing you to start early treatment and avoid serious consequences and complications.

This examination of the small intestine is helpful for people who:

  • Have abdominal pain over a period of time without a reason;
  • Anemia over a long period of time that cause is not detected even after a number of clinical studies

Capsule endoscopy system allows you to visualize the mucosa of the small intestine and to diagnose exactely a number of diseases. It is easy to determine the gastrointestinal diseases using endoscopy capsule method. Following diseases are:

  • Celiac disease (malabsorbation) abnormality in the absorption of food in the small intestine (has a characteristic structure of gastric mucosal lesions, and therefore requires a differential diagnosis);
  • Crohn’s disease (lesions cannot be seen by other methods of endoscopy, so another way to identify them is not possible);
  • Obscure GI bleeding;
  • Small – intestine polyps and tumors;
  • Enteropathy;
  • Chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Polyposis syndromes
  • Parasitic diseases

Preparing capsule endoscopy

Preparation for the procedure does not require any patient effort. It is necessary  to eliminate heavy food for 4 hours before swallowing the capsule. Do not eat for at least 6 hours after the procedure, then you can switch to the normal eating.


  • gastro-intestinal (GI) obstruction and if suspected;
  • Patients who have pacemakers or other cardiac devices, implants, strictures or fistulas
  • Pregnant
  • Swallowing disorders

In addition, all patients undergoing capsule endoscopy are not allowed to be close to the MRI equipment and even screened by it.

Disadvantages of capsule endoscopy

The disadvantages of the capsule endoscopy are:

  • Inability to control the capsule’s movement
  • Impossible to make biopsy or to treat a disease, there is a need for further diagnosis (e.g. colonoscopy)

Such weaknesses are already taken into account by researchers (USA, Israel and South Korea) of the capsule. Today they are working hard on improving the existing capsule. Innovative active endoscopy capsules are already available but they are still in testing. They can be guided accurately through the gastrointestinal tract using electromagnetic tool and ensure a high level of safety and diagnostic accuracy.

Clinical questions

Patients who undergo a similar procedure for the first time are very interested in risks and side effects of capsule endoscopy.The most often question is, if the capsule leaves the body.

Capsule endoscopy is generally a safe procedure where the capsule leaves the body by the bowel movement within one or two days. According to official data only in 0.01% of cases the capsule remained in the body. The reason for this was the gastrointestinal obstruction – the diagnosis was confirmed by this method.

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