The cancer is one of the scariest diseases. Germany is the country where people suffering from cancer get the last chance. Oncological diseases are treated here by advanced techniques. Clinics and the research centres are located all over the country, and huge amount of funds invested in research projects regarding new methods to treat cancer. The percentage of cured from cancer in Germany is the highest in the world.

Cancer therapy in Germany at affordable prices

The treatment of cancer means serious expenditures but treatment in leading clinics gives you a chance to live. Costs of stay in German clinics are more than affordable that is why many people decide for the cancer treatment in Germany which prices correspond with:

  • effectiveness of offered services
  • quality of patient care

Thousands of people all over the world visit Germany for effective cancer therapy of stomach, intestines and urological tumours.

Cancer therapy, SIRT therapy in Germany

German medical centres actively use the most innovative technique to battle cancer. Stomach, lung and liver cancer is often treated by the Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT). SIRT therapy is some kind radiation therapy applied to selected patients with unresectable cancers, those that cannot be eliminated surgically especially hepatic cell carcinoma or liver metastases. This method is also applied to patients with breast cancer, neuroendocrine cancer and cancer of digestive body system organs.

SIRT therapy

SIRT therapy is the latest approach in cancer treatment. Patients receiving this therapy get injections of tiny micro-spheres of radioactive material into hepatic artery. The blood supply towards metastases is interrupted and radiation occurs inside the organs. By treatment tumour doses of radiation can be delivered to tumours with great accuracy using linear accelerators so normal cells are not damaged in the process.

Radio embolization is applied to patients with:

  • unresectable metastatic cancer (liver, organs of digestive system, chest, neuroendocrine tumours)
  • life expectancy less than 3 months

Video about treatment in Germany

Diagnostic preparation for the SIRT therapy in Germany

To define, whether carrying out selective internal radiation therapy is possible, it is necessary to carry out the following stages of diagnostics:

  • Blood test:

You will have some blood tests to evaluate liver and kidney functioning In case of colorectal cancer the test for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) will be made. This CEA is mainly used as a tumoral marker.

  • Other diagnostics:

Computed tomography (CT), positron emission therapy (PET) or magnetic and resonance tomography (MRT)

Treatment by the SIRT method

First level: Diagnosis

At the first stage cancer has to be diagnosed, for this purpose computed tomography (CT) and an angiography of blood vessels is used. This diagnostic methods aim to determine the technical implementation of the SIRT therapy. The diagnostics is performed as an inpatient program within 3 days. In case the SIRT therapy is technically possible the patient will pass to the second stage treatment, approximately two weeks after the first stage.

Second stage: Therapy performance

At the second stage the patient receives injections through a catheter with plastic micro balls which are covered by radioactive substance. These micro balls are blocking blood vessels and highlight the vessels and block the metastases. The time of hospitalization is about 4 days.

The therapy is very successful to battle cancer. Statistically around 80 % of all cancer patients are in partly remission, it means the metastases or cancer cells can be controlled for at least 4 months to 4 years. About 10 % of cancer patients experience full remission what means they are completely healed. Only 10 % of patients do not experience any improvement.

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