Neurology deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all categories of conditions and diseases involving the central and peripheral nervous system.

Thanks to the individual approach and detailed studying of the anamnesis treatment of these diseases became very successful. There are many cases when the disease arises suddenly as headache or dizziness. Even the insignificant discomfort demands immediate diagnostics.

Defeats of the central or peripheral nervous system can lead to irreversible consequences what makes immediate diagnostics and treatment so important.

The following services we are offering:

  • General neurology
  • Paediatric neurology
  • Treatment and diagnostics of various forms of an ataxia.
  • Treatment and diagnostics of various motor disorders and disorders of  central genesis (including dystonia, spastic disorders, Parkinson, tremor, Restless Leg Syndrome)
  • Treatment and diagnostics of various forms of epilepsy.
  • Treatment and diagnosis of neuro infectious pathologies, especially associated with HIV infection (HIV encephalopathy’s, – polyneuropathy, – myelopathy, – myopathies; neuroborreliosis; encephalitis, candidiasis, for example toxoplasmosis or cytomegalovirus, cryptococcal meningitis, cryptosporidiosis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis).
  • Treatment and diagnostics of various forms of migraine
  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Diagnostics and treatment of various forms of strokes
  • Diagnostics and treatment of psychogenic disorders of food
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Psychogenic obesity
  • “Binge Eating Disorder”
  • Exercise-bulimia and Anorexia athletica

The following out-patient and stationary diagnostics and therapy of diseases are:

  • brain
  • spinal cord
  • peripheral nerves
  • muscular system
  • violations of blood circulation of a head and spinal cord
  • syndrome of a chronic headache
  • infectious diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • neurologic diseases of the inflammatory nature
  • multiple sclerosis
  • degenerative diseases of peripheral nerves
  • epilepsies
  • sleep disorders, including profound diagnostics in the sleep laboratory
  • neurologic disorders of speech
  • attention changes
  • sensorimotor disorders of hands

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