Paediatrics has been one of the most developed medical areas for many years in Germany. The MedTravel Fulde OHG Company is ready to help you with a treatment at the best clinics of this country.

Often parents decide to deal with a clinic abroad after all possibilities of the domestic medical care have been exhausted. And in fact, children with shocking and unpromising diagnoses are treated in Germany quite successfully. The combination of new techniques and innovative technologies provide the optimal outcome.

The following types of medical care is the most demanded in Germany:

  • Cardiologic (including difficult heart diseases operation and vessels);
  • Oncological (cancer, leucosis, etc.);
  • Surgical
  • Neurosurgical;
  • Urological.

The list is of course not complete, paediatrics are dealing successfully with a wide range of diseases.

Clinics for children with modern medical equipment meet the highest standards. This equipment allows to diagnose and treat disease even on the cellular level. Medicamentous therapy is applied effectively and safe for the child. Surgical treatment of children in Germany is performed mainly by endoscopic methods.

The MedTravel Fulde OHG company cooperates with the leading clinics of Germany is ready to organize all medical treatment of children

Following services are offered:

  • visa support and booking of hotels / accommodation;
  • transfer to medical institution;
  • selection of the medical centre with corresponding profile;
  • scheduling of all necessary appointments
  • translation of all medical documentation and at all treatment process
  • calculating of therapy costs

The treatment of children younger than 6 years requires a presence of adult attendants in Germany.

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