Rheumatology check – up represents a comprehensive diagnosis of the rheumatic diseases including joints, soft tissues, autoimmune diseases, vasculitis and so on. This program will provide you a detailed information about a whole musculoskeletal system and all joints of the patient, as well as further treatment strategy.This program was designed for those patients who have experienced pain in the joints, as well as discomfort while moving.
Rheumatology check -up includes following tests:
- Multiple joint inspection
- Extensive medical history
- Ultrasounds
- Color duplex sonography of the head and neck blood vessels
- Laboratory tests (blood tests) like determination of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Determination of the Rheumatoid Factor, Anti-CCP (Anti-citrullinated protein antibody and ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody)
- X-rays and other imaging methods of affected joints
- Cytopathology and chemical pathology of fluid aspirated from affected joints (e.g. to differentiate between septic arthritis and gout)
- Blood test for C-reactive protein
- Waaler-Rose test
- Serologic tests for Borelli, Shigella and Mycoplasma
- Detailed medical report
- Schober’s test for the lower back
- Extensive musculoskeletal examination (e.g. Screening Musculoskeletal Exam (SMSE) , General Musculoskeletal Exam (GMSE) and a comprehensive assessment of joint inflammation, Regional Musculoskeletal Exam (RMSE) – diagnose the structure, function and inflammation
- Recommendations for further therapy