Helios Clinic was founded in 1971 in Berlin-Buch. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Department has three NMR (nuclear magnetic tomography), three CT (computed tomography), digital camera for mammography (breast examination), the newest X-ray equipment.

Clinic for Nuclear Medicine provides a highly modernized positron emission tomography (PET), a new generation of equipment for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (ventilator apparatus, continuous patient monitoring).

Thanks to modern architectural solutions the clinic can offer its patients a nice atmosphere. The clinic lobby is every day open: pharmacy, bookstore, hairdresser, newsagent, cafe, flower shop, ATM Machine.

Range of treatment procedures:

  • Diagnosis and post-operative care for patients with thyroid carcinoma
  • Positron Emission Therapy (PET) for tumours and heart diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system.
  • Imaging and intraoperative localization of sentinel lymph nodes when tumours
  • Skeletal and joint diagnosis of malignant and inflammatory diseases
  • Cardiovascular diagnosis (imaging state circulation and pump function)
  • Radioiodine therapy of benign and malignant thyroid tumours
  • Scintigraphy of the musculoskeletal system, heart, thyroid, lymphatic system
  • Radionuclide therapy by means of intravascular irradiation with open radionuclides

The clinic has specially equipped rooms for radioiodine therapy of both benign and malignant thyroid diseases (thyroid carcinoma).The average hospital stay takes 4 days.

Visiting is not possible to protect visitors from radiation. Medical stuff will make an effort to make your stay at our hospital as comfortable as possible.

 Radioiodine therapy in Germany

Experienced radiologists from different countries have used successfully radioiodine thyroid therapy for over 50 years. Based on a statistical survey more than 100,000 patients who got this type of treatment can confirm that radioiodine therapy does not lead to thyroid gland carcinoma or other malignant tumours in the human body. Patient exposure to radiation is comparable to that received during a full X-ray examination.

Who can get radioiodine therapy?

Radioiodine therapy is assigned to patients with following diseases:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Grave’s disease
  • Uni- and multifocal autonomy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Treatment of thyroid goitre (enlarged thyroid gland)
  • Recovery from thyroid carcinoma surgery (rehabilitation)

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