Currently Berlin counts 7 Prostate Centres that are all based at different clinics.
Treatment of prostate cancer in Germany is performed by highly qualified specialists, urologists and andrologists using new generation of techniques for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system. The Department of Urology offers a wide range of hardware diagnostics, including a new genetic testing for prostate cancer, transcranial color-coded Duplex sonography, Urodynamic testing bladder test, fluorescence cystoscopy, video cystoscopy and multiparametric MR Imaging, treatment for prostate cancer method Da Vinci.There is a wide range of diagnostic and treatment opportunities for prostate disease…
Treatment for prostate cancer in Germany
The centre is characterized by an individual approach to each client.The centre offers a full range of services that covers prevention of prostate diseases, diagnosis and prostate treatment.
The range of services for prostate cancer treatment includes:
- Diagnostics
- Transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate
- Prostate biopsy
- Histological analysis
- X-ray diagnosis and MRT
- Radical prostatectomy to remove prostate gland
- Da Vinci robotic surgery
- LaparoscopicPelvicLymph Node Dissection
- Transurethral resection of the prostate
- Radiation of the prostate
- Chemotherapy
- Pain Therapy
- Examination
- Immunoassay determination for tumour markers
- Andrologcal and hormonal findings
- Urinalysis for microbiological and cytological examination
- Sperm count testing
- Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) to determine genetic alterations in bladder cancer cells
- Genetic testing for prostate cancer
- Video cystoscopy
Treatment for prostate cancer in Germany
Da Vinci Prostatectomy
A prostate cancer surgery (radical prostatectomy) – is an effective method to treat prostate cancer without metastases. The advantage of prostatectomy to radiotherapy is that the doctor is able to determine precisely by cancer affected area and the surgery does not damage healthy tissue. A prostate can be removed using standard surgery or minimally invasive Da Vinci prostatectomy.
Standard surgery (abdomen skin incisions using scalpel) can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as incontinence and impotence, because of injuries of tissue, bladder or muscles responsible for erection (they are located on the sides of the prostate).
The Da Vinci robot was invented in the United States, especially for precise operations in the field of cardiology.For prostate cancer treatment Da Vinci robot was first used in Germany.Prostate Treatment Centre Charité in Berlin is one of the best clinics in Europe to treat prostate diseases.
Prostate Cancer Treatment in Germany
Not all modern clinics in Germany can offer Da Vinci robot surgery which can reduce blood loss and preserve not only the sexual function, but also the normal bladder function.
A special feature for prostatectomy by Da Vinci method is that this laparoscopic surgery (surgery without cutting through the abdomen) is carried out by a robot, which is controlled by the surgeon.Using Da Vinci robot allows the surgeon to make the surgery more precise what reduces the complication risk for the patient.
The advantages of Da Vinci prostatectomy
The main advantages of prostatectomy using the Da Vinci robot against a traditional surgery include:
- A much greater likelihood of maintaining potency
- Higher probability for full bladder function recovery
- Minimal amounts of pain after surgery and recovery after surgery on the first day
- Minimal blood loss
- Smaller incisions after laparoscopic surgery compared with postoperative sutures
- Short hospital admission (the patient can usually leave in 5-7 days)
The methodology of Da Vinci prostatectomy
Prostatectomy using Da Vinci robot is performed with special instruments, which size counts few millimetres. To carry out the operation few small incisions instead of a large open incision are made. Through this incisions 3 operation instruments and 2 tubes with tiny cameras can be introduced. Surgeon can operate using cameras with magnified 3D high-definition vision system what increases the movement precision of the surgeon and reduces the complication probability after surgery. Robot arm replicates hand movements of a doctor with absolute precision, the instruments can rotate and bend better than human hand.
The successful operation by Da Vinci method requires a large experience of the surgeon and also having a talent.In addition, a set instruments used for each operation costs about 3,500 euros.This is the reason why Da Vinci protectomy is performed only at specialized clinics and at small number.
New genetic testing for prostate cancer
Researchers have developed a novel gene – based test that is able to predict the predisposition for cancer.This diagnostic method can prevent thousands of unnecessary surgeries each year.
Unlike many other cancer types not all prostate cancers require active treatment.Many of them are progressing slowly and do not threat the life.In this case, the main task is to determine when you need to start treatment and when you can wait.
Professor Colin Cooper from British Cancer Research says that this method allows genetic evaluation to recognize the nature of aggressive prostate cancer. In most of cases of prostate cancer men get radical surgery, but only one-third of all patients needs one.
As we know radical surgical treatment of prostate cancer is accompanied by various side effects, so the use of new genetic test for prostate cancer is very important for these patients.
Scientists have found that prostate cancer is usually observed with a gene fusion of TMPRSS2 and ERG. However, the new study found that 6.6% of this merger doubled, which was accompanied by an increase in cancer aggressively. A mutation in genes is called “2 + Edel”. Only 25 % of all patients with 2 + Edel have an 8-year survival rate compared to 90% for those patients who do not have this gene mutation.