Schengen Visa to Germany for medical treatment

How to get a visa for medical treatment in Germany?

Application for visa to Germany is a quite complex process. Visa applicants seeking medical treatment in Germany should present all required documents to help establish their eligibility for the Schengen visa.

The Consular Section of German Embassy proves documents, primarily the willingness to return and the purpose of the trip. Please note that a mandatory condition is the submission of all required documents.

German consulate employees should be sure in the trip purpose and veracity of documents provided by the applicant.

1.Required documents for medical visa to Germany that confirm the identity of the applicant are:

  • most visa applicants will be required to hold a valid passport for at least 3 months prior to your departur
  • a copy of the identification page of the passport
  • you will need to supply 3 recent passport-sized photographs of each person included in your application. 1 photo is to be attached
  • the photo must have a passport format, full-face capture, and a light background

2. Visa application form

Application form must be fully completed and signed in the corresponding blanks.

Fill out the application form using Latin letters according to the passport data and other documents.

3. Additional documents

You will need to meet the criteria and present evidence that:

  • arrangements have been made with the doctor and/or hospital to provide you with medical and/or hospital care, that is, a firm date for treatment has been made;
  • you need a letter from your physician of your home country stating the diagnosis of your condition and what treatments will be necessary

4. The solvency of the applicant

  • arrangements have been made to pay the full cost of that treatment and you can demonstrate you have the means to pay;
  • valid credit card and bank statements for last 3 months (original and copy)
  • confirmation for payments in advance from German clinic
  • If the treatment is in a public hospital, the hospital has agreed to your admission and treatment.

5. Financial support for the accompanying person

German consulate has to prove the purpose of the visit and financial support for the accompanying person:

  • confirmation of residence
  • credit cards (e.g., American Express, Visa, MasterCard and others – but not accepted are debit payment cards such as Visa Electron)
  • bank statement for the last 3 months or
  • Traveller’s checks (usually sufficient checks on the basis of – 45 Euros per day of stay of one person).

6. Health Insurance

The travel medical insurance policy is to be secured, covering any medical emergency with hospital care and travel back to one’s native country due to medical motives. This health insurance policy has to cover expenses up to 30,000 euros, the sum depending on the residing days, and also it has to be valid in all Schengen countries. The health insurance policy must be purchased before picking up the visa and in your visa is refused you can cancel it!

7. Guaranteed return to the home country

The Consular Section of the Embassy of Germany will carefully examine your documents to ensure return to the country of residence. One must have a copy of the reservation of the return ticket for the time intended to be travelling. It is not recommendable to buy the ticket before getting the visa, if not necessary.

  • for employees – A reference letter from the employer (including name, full address and telephone number of the employer indicating the telephone code area, wage data or
  • In case the applicant is the owner of the company he/she is working for, the business registration, tax returns and the latest bank statement is to be attached.(for example, a certificate from the tax authorities, declarations, bank statements, accounting records, etc.) or
  • The plane ticket reservation (One shall buy the ticket after getting the visa, as recommended).
  • Other documents, specified by the visa type

8. Children under 18 years of age (Schengen visa)

Children under 18 years of age, travelling without one or both of their legal guardians, require authorisation (original or copy) from the non-accompanying guardian(s) to travel to Germany.

It is required in addition:

  • the minor’s birth certificate
  • the application form has to be signed by both parents
  • In cases where one parent has full custody over the child, the family court order has to be attached.
  • The notarized parental authorization signed by both parents and guardians is attached if the minor is to be travelling alone.
  • or death certificate of one of the parents;

The Embassy reserves the right to require additional documents.

Embassy of Germany in the CIS countries:

The German Embassy in Ukraine
German Honorary Consulate in Lviv
German Honorary Consulate in Donetsk
The German Embassy in Moscow
General Consulate of Germany in Kaliningrad
General Consulate of Germany in Novosibirsk
General Consulate of Germany in Saint – Petersburg
General Consulate of Germany in Ekaterinburg
Honorary Consulate in Saratov
Embassy of Germany in Belarus
The German Embassy in Moldova
The German Embassy in Azerbaijan
Embassy of Germany in Georgia
Embassy of Germany in Kazakhstan

The German Embassy in Armenia
The German Embassy in Tajikistan
The German Embassy in Kyrgyzstan

The German Embassy in Uzbekistan

The German Embassy in Turkmenistan
Ashgabat, st. Magtumguly hotel “Ak Altyn”
Victory Park Street. Khydyr powers
tel. 99 312 + 36 35 15 + 99 312 36 35 17/21

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