Before applying for treatment, please look at the content of our homepage.We would also be pleased to hear your questions about the treatment organization. If you are interested in our services, the following chart will help you to check your documents for treatment.

1. Application

To process your application, we ask you to provide us following documents:

  • Epicrisis copies, extracts from the patients records, x-rays evaluation (MRI and CT)
  • Passport copies
  • Filled in application form

If the purpose for contacting us is the treatment of a particular disease, we will ask you to provide us with copies of relevant case history (not older than 6 months).If you want to pass the examination, and do not have a specific diagnosis, then select the expert (experts) who you would like you to consult.

Check the validity of your passport and the passport of the accompanying person.To enter the territory of Germany your passport must be valid for at least three months.

2. The application process

During this period, we have carried out:

  • selection of specialists and clinical institutions
  • primary medical history based on the provided epicrisis and German translation
  • preparation of invoices, proposals from the hospital contract for the provision of institutional services (contract signed directly for treatment in the hospital on arrival in Berlin)

On the basis of medical documents provided to us, we carry out the best selection of specialized professionals.At the same time, our consultants will prepare a brief overview of the history of disease for German colleagues.This document used only as information for the German specialist about medical patient’s history and to obtain a medical consultation.

We also want to note that external consultations in Germany are prohibited.Only in this case personal examination can be carefully conducted by a diagnostician and the treatment to be determined.

At the end of the application process, we offer you following documents: (Documents I)

  • invoice, a payment for services and medical management of our company Med Travel Fulde
  • original pre-payment from the clinic

3. Payment of bills

After receiving the invoice and contract, read them carefully.If you have any questions, please contact us by email or phone and we will help you to answer them.

We provide you with following documents (Documents II):

  • Brief information about the hospital and the attending physician
  • Newsletter on the intended stay in treatment
  • Confirmation of the starting date of the medical treatment (for the German Embassy)

Previously, we agree with you the date for your arrival to Germany for treatment, order transport and translation services, hotel reservations, etc.

4. Arrival to Germany

Prior to your arrival to Germany all details have to be cleared. Namely, you will find information about your treatment (inpatient or outpatient) and the estimated duration of the treatment. A hotel will be booked for you and your accompanying person. If you wish an interpreter and transfer can be reserved for your arrival and stay in Germany.Our consultant will meet you at the airport or in a hotel, and once again introduce you to the program details.You will also be offered a number of services that you can use if you wish.

5. End of treatment

After treatment, we prepare for you following documents (Documents III):

  • epicrisis recommendations (original in German)
  • epicrisis translation into English if necessary
  • recalculation services if necessary

We are happy to hear your opinion about our work!

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